Online scoring-capable dynamic mark sheet generation tool

Dynamic Mark Sheet Generation Tool

The “Online Scoring-Capable Dynamic Mark Sheet Generation Tool” is an online tool that instantly creates custom mark sheets and allows for immediate scoring. It’s easy to use for both educators and learners and can calculate the accuracy rate. If you follow the instructions, anyone can use it easily.

  1. Enter the number of questions you want to solve in the “Number of Questions” field.
  2. Click the “Generate” button, and the specified number of questions will be displayed.
  3. Enter your answers in the answer field for each question.
  4. After answering all the questions, click the “Save Answers” button.
  5. When scoring, enter the correct answers in the correct answer field.
  6. After entering all the correct answers, click the “Grade” button at the bottom.
  7. The score and the accuracy rate will be displayed, so check the results.
  8. By following the instructions, you can use it easily.

