Bulk Import of CSV Files with Excel VBA: An Efficient Data Integration Technique.

This article provides a program that uses Excel VBA to efficiently integrate multiple CSV files into a single Excel workbook. Each CSV is imported into its own worksheet, and its name is automatically set. Additionally, the program is designed to allow the user to specify the name of the new workbook themselves. This VBA script is extremely useful in data analysis, report generation, and business intelligence.

VBA to export the selected range in Excel to CSV.

This article provides a detailed explanation of how to use Excel VBA to export a selected range on an Excel sheet as a CSV file. It includes an example of the code and explains its functionality and how to use it. This script meets the needs of quickly saving a specific dataset to an external file or easily sharing Excel data with other programs.

A macro in Excel VBA to change the background color of cells that contain a formula.

This VBA macro scans a specified range within the active worksheet in Excel, in this case, cells A1 to C10. If a cell contains a formula, the macro changes the background color of that cell to yellow. This macro is particularly useful for efficiently managing large spreadsheets or for quickly identifying which cells contain formulas.

How to easily translate between Japanese and English in Google Sheets.

I will introduce how to easily translate text within a spreadsheet into Japanese and English using Google Apps Script.

Translate the comments in Google Spreadsheet into English.

This program is a script that translates all the comments in the active sheet of a Google Spreadsheet from various languages to English.

Google Spreadsheet: Email notification system based on changes to specific cells.

This script is an automated solution that sends email notifications to a designated email address when the value in a particular cell (defaulted to "A1") of a Google Spreadsheet satisfies specified conditions (for example, when the value is 5 or less). The script is written in Google Apps Script, making it easy to integrate into an existing spreadsheet.

Automated task reminder in Google Spreadsheet: Automatically send deadline notifications via email.

This script utilizes Google Spreadsheet and Google Apps Script to streamline task management. It automatically sends reminder emails for tasks whose deadlines are due tomorrow. This is one example of enhancing productivity by leveraging Google Spreadsheet.

Online scoring-capable dynamic mark sheet generation tool

The “Online Scoring-Capable Dynamic Mark Sheet Generation Tool” is an online tool that instantly creates custom mark sheets and allows for immediate scoring. It’s easy to use for both educators and learners and can calculate the accuracy rate. If you follow the instructions, anyone can use it easily.



Excel VBAでセルに関数が含まれている場合に背景色を変更するマクロ
